Narendra Sonawane Seeks Nation Support for Tax Reforms through Video Appeal

Narendra Sonawane Seeks Nation Support for Tax Reforms through Video Appeal

Narendra Sonawane, President of All India Protest Committee (AIPC), has sought participation and support for tax reforms through a video message in regard to the nationwide protest for tax reforms called by WMPTA (Western Maharashtra Practitioners Tax Association) on 29th January 2021.

The protest has been called by AIPC /WMPTA for bringing tax reforms to facilitate businesses, MSMEs, and tax practitioners in complying with GST and other tax related compliances in a simple and easy manner. 

Appeal to participate and lend support for tax reforms

Narendra Sonawane said in his video appeal, “If we don’t stand for ourselves then how can we expect somebody else to help us.

We all have been individually posting on social media platforms, messaging, mailing to authorities since long, regarding the problems which we tax practitioners have been facing in GST regime.

This is one rare opportunity when we are doing something unitedly. A first of its kind nationwide event.

This is not against the government or anyone. This is about you and me making a united effort to communicate our problems in the most efficient way to the highest level for resolution.

I Narendra Sonawane, president of All India Protest Committee, would be  protesting on 29th January  and seek your support and participation in the cause

Join me on 29th January.

Share this Video and let’s reach everyone

Thank you”

Narendra Sonawane Ji has shared his view with CA Kalpak Kaplash in an exclusive interview on various topics including the All India protest for tax reforms on 29th January 2021. (Click for the link)

The requirement to unitedly raise the issue of tax reforms at the national level has been explained in detail by him in the interview.

He has talked at length about the current tax scenario and changes required therein.

Narendra Somawane has been the past president of the Western Maharashtra Tax Practioner’s Association (WMTPA).  Presently he is also on the management committee of the Goods and Service tax association of Maharashtra. He is also an active member of the management committee of the All India Federation of Tax Practitioners.

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